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Started in 2012 the "sonic sigil series" is a continuing series of live audio experimentation streaming live online. 
it takes place on the
23 of  the month at the 23rd hour (PST) (live only for 23 minutes)
(these are archived and can be viewed at your leisure)
This series is inspired by Ben Burtt and his sound design process. They and what initially inspired me to delve into aural design(subconscious manipulation) myself. so this series is being revamped to fit a theme i have been working on for years.....  more like a (what if?? ) scenario. unfortunately being the "audiophile" nerd i am, ustream does not serve my creations full justice being that it broadcasts in a glorified "mono" form,so this will be continued in its full "stereo" glory onto my soundcloud page (and downloadable) but only month by month..  What you will see are the jam sessions that will create my homage to Ben Burtt and the universe of sounds he created.

this series is a MUST for ambient music and STAR WARS lovers...

just click on the television below to be taken to a galaxy far,far away  ;)

starting 9/23/2013
you can vote for your "planet/moon" (star wars galaxies only)in the comments below.. and thanks for watching 
the new series will begin on 1/23/2014 



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